
After the tragic events of the 7th of October Israel found itself at war. This war is not only a physical war, but also a war over information and truth. The events of the past month have revealed a weak link in our defense when it comes to Israel’s campaign for Advocacy and information. While Hamas, Iran, Turkey and Russia established well budgeted and technologically advanced digital armies, Israel remained behind, with an old-fashioned advocacy campaign that is struggling in the Information arena.
The result is a rise in Anti-Israel sentiments, as well as a growing mistrust regarding the facts of the October 7th massacres in the west, which in turn influences western leaders, and weakens their pro-Israel position.
Starting on October 7th, hundreds of independent civilian "Hasbara groups" (operation rooms) were established spontaneously, consisting of volunteers who tried to enter the void left by the state regarding Advocacy and Information.
Our Initiative
Fight for Light is a professional infrastructure made up of experts and professional of the highest caliber. The platform unites dozens of initiatives, ideas, and activities independently established by individuals and other activists regarding everything to do with advocacy and consciousness. While most of the Hasbara groups are dealing with content distribution, we are not a content and distribution agency. Our system is based on the civil organizational strength of the“Brothers and Sisters for Life” organization (Ahim Laneshek).
The Fight for Light initiative is completely apolitical and is composed of right-wing, left-wing, religious and secular experts, who mobilized with one main goal - to advocate for the legitimacy to the Israeli government to act against Hamas.Our Goal
Strengthening the legitimacy of the state of Israel in the eyes of the western world, So that Israel is able to complete its pre-determined mission and goal at this time of war.